Awards “TekhnoProgress”
Awards “TekhnoProgress”
DPST “Technoprogress” is the largest producer of special tooling and measuring equipment in Europe. For more than 10 years successful activity the enterprise has got a number of awards and quality certificates. All this has become possible thanks to creativity of the employees and implementation of the best ideas in production.
We are always happy to offer the most effective, practical and economical solutions in the industry.
DPST “Technoprogress” exists and functions due to the innovative solutions and big desire to scale up and provide the clients with the most effective and novice manufacturing technologies in the world.
We are not limited only to the Ukrainian market. Export deliveries also function well. If you live in: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Poland, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, you can send your order from the site.
You’ll find everything you need on our site!